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We believe in the power of interscholastic sports. We believe in building leaders of today and tomorrow by fostering positive character traits, leadership and life skills through the vehicle of school-based athletic competition.
It is the goal of Hernando School District Athletics to develop the following:
- Teamwork
- Critical Thinking Skills
- Communication Skills
- Stress Management Skills
- Better Total Health & Physical Fitness
- The Desire & Drive To Succeed
- Moral & Ethical Standards
- Self-Discipline
- Accountability
- Emotional Maturity
- Hard Work & Commitment
- Social Competence
- Respect For Others & For Authority
- Perseverance
- The Ability To Win With Humility & To Lose With Dignity
We expect ALL of our Hernando School District Student-Athletes to be leaders in their school, in their sport and in their community.
We expect ALL of our student-athletes and athletic programs to compete with pride, sportsmanship and in accordance with all Hernando School District & FHSAA Policies and Bylaws.
We expect ALL of our student-athletes and athletic programs to compete with respect for the game, the officials and their opponents.
We expect ALL of our student-athletes to compete to the best of their own abilities. Nothing more, nothing less.
We expect ALL of our athletic programs to strive be competitive at the county, conference, district and state levels.
We are dedicated to creating an environment that provides opportunities for student-athletes to strive for excellence. It is the goal of Hernando School District Athletics for each and every student-athlete to excel in the classroom, in their sport and ultimately in life.
In the classroom...
- Provide student-athletes with support systems to promote academic success and on-time graduation.
- Provide those student-athletes interested in advancing their academic and athletic careers beyond high school, the resources and guidance to do so.
- Support school and district based academic initiatives.
In their sport...
- Employ athletic staff that encompasses integrity, knowledge, skill and leadership qualities that enable programs of mental, moral, and physical benefit to student-athletes.
- Provide student-athletes with adequate practice and competition facilities and equipment as well as proper medical supervision.
- Provide a variety of athletic opportunities to compete at the county, conference, district and state level.
Run a program that is in compliance with Hernando School District & FHSAA policies and bylaws.
In life...
- Enhance community within the general student body, faculty and staff.
- Strengthen the relationship between our school-based athletic programs, alumni and our community.
- Coach the whole student-athlete (mentally, physically, emotionally and socially) while stressing the importance of respect, teamwork, perseverance, character, integrity, hard work and commitment.
- Provide opportunities to lead and to serve in their sport, on their campus and in their community.