What we do...
The Hernando County School District’s Facilities Department envisions school facilities that enhance the achievement of all students, and are learning-centered, safe, inviting and sustainable centers of the community. The Department is dedicated to providing a physical environment and providing related services to support the school district in reaching its goal of excellence in public education. The vision is met by providing project management resources to achieve the most cost effective code compliant project. In doing so, Facilities Department personnel deliver operational excellence to meet and exceed all commitments with our customers.
The guiding principles for implementing the Facilities Department vision, include:
To be an innovative leader in facilities management while being recognized for excellence in service, as a partner in solving customers’ problems.
Create and maintain comfortable, attractive, and stimulating environments that support collaborative and diverse learning styles and opportunities that support collaboration and diverse learning styles and opportunities
Cultivate a culture within the organization where all employees are treated equitably and honestly, where all staff members are empowered and supported in reaching their full potential
Maintain standards set forth by Department of Education’s (DOE’s) Educational Facilities Requirements