Registration and Eligibility - Full Time Program

Eschool Enrollment for our Full-Time Program grades 1-12 for the 2024-2025 school year is now open. It will remain open until July 6th.

Please fill out the eligibility form below and you will be contacted in late JULY via EMAIL if you qualify for our full time program.

There are 3 steps to this process.

1. Fill out the short form below so that we can communicate with you through EMAIL. *If you are from out of state or out of county put a 0 in for the student number. 

2. Once you fill this out our school counselor will do an eligibility check to see if you qualify for our Full-Time Program. If you do you will receive an email with instructions to complete the registration process. 

3. Once we receive the registration paperwork, we will create your schedule for the fall and those courses will appear on your Canvas dashboard AND FLVS platform (for math and some sciences). You will have access to these courses on or before Aug 12, 2024. 

It is very important that you check your email DAILY for information from eSchool for the registration process AND throughout the year as this is a primary form of communication from staff and teachers.


*If you are from out of state or from another district you can just click the link for eSchool information.

Start Your Process