Physical Education K-5

We look forward to helping provide your child with the best safe, fun, learning experiences in P.E. this year! Fun and Fitness are the name of our EK8 PE game.

Safety First!

Click here for the P.E. Dress Code

It’s as simple as ABCDE!

Always wear appropriate attire. 
     Comfortable clothing and sneakers are required.
     Students must wear proper athletic footwear during ALL P.E. classes.
ring water bottles!  Only water is permitted.
Cooperation means Teamwork
Do Your Best                                                    
Effort is expected.

Grading for grades K-5:    S Satisfactory     N Needs Improvement     U Unsatisfactory

Your child must be prepared for P.E. classes outside several times a week.

PE Excusal Note Required

Please remember that excusable PE non-participation requires a note from the parent/guardian or doctor.

Notes must include: student name, grade, homeroom teacher’s name, date & length of time.

  • If this is a chronic or medical issue, please contact our Clinic at 352.797.7094 x 200

Record Specials schedule in student’s school agenda / home calendar and check daily.