Arrival & Dismissal Procedures
Safety is one of our most important concerns at BES. As part of our continuing commitment to ensuring the safety of all our students, we are advising parents of our arrival and dismissal procedures.
Under no circumstances are students to be dropped off at school prior to 8:30 a.m. unless they are enrolled in the YMCA program. The YMCA receives students beginning at 6:30 a.m. Students are not to arrive at school prior to this time. Breakfast is available in the cafeteria beginning at 8:30 a.m.
BES has a closed campus policy. To ensure that our school is secured, parents/guardians and visitors will not be permitted past the front office without identification. Perimeter gates and secondary points of access will remain secured during school hours. Access to the school’s campus, buildings and classrooms will be restricted to authorized visitors approved through the front office. Under no circumstances are any visitors to enter the campus buildings or classrooms without this approval.
The following procedures will be used:
All students are to be dropped off at the respective driveway where staff will assist with arrival. (K-2nd: Red drop off near front office; 3-5: Purple drop off near Hwy 41)
Students transported by district or private buses will be dropped off and picked up in the designated bus area.
Students must be picked-up immediately following dismissal unless they are enrolled in the Boys and Girls Club or ride a bus. Students will be picked up from the same areas that they were dropped off in the morning. If there is a change in the way your student(s) are going home, you must notify the front office in writing prior to 2:30.