Title III - ESOL & Immigrant Students
Why did I receive an ESOL Out-of-Field Notification?
You received an ESOL Out-of-Field notification because you are teaching Language Arts, English, Reading, Elementary or ESE (Category 1) to English Language Learners and do not have an ESOL Endorsement or Certification .
Why did I receive an ESOL Out-of-Compliance Notification?
You received an ESOL Out-of-Compliance notification because you are teaching Math, Science, Social Studies or Computer Literacy (Category 2), or fine arts, electives, Speech-Language Pathologists, or Occupational/Physical Therapist and other subjects (Category 3) to English Language Learners and have not completed the required training. If you are an administrator or a guidance counselor (Category 4) and received this notification you have not completed your required training.
What are the five courses in the ESOL Endorsement?
Beginning on July 1, 2011, new standards for ESOL Endorsement Program courses by the State Board of Education take effect if a district offers an Add-On Certification Program in ESOL to their Language Arts and Reading teachers. The five ESOL courses that are approved to be offered beginning on July 1, 2011 for the ESOL Endorsement Program are as follows and can be taken in any order:
ESOL-Applied Linguistics,
ESOL-Cross-Cultural Communication,
ESOL-Curriculum and Materials,
ESOL-Methods of Teaching,
ESOL-Testing and Evaluation.
The district isn’t offering the course I need right now. I can just wait for it right?
No, completing certification requirements are the sole responsibility of the educator. Timeline notifications are clearly explained on your out-of-field or out-of-compliance letter. If you are unsure about your timeline, please contact the certification department with your questions.
What is the time frame for completing the ESOL Training?
Year 1 - 3 semester hours or 60 inservice points
Year 2 - 6 semester hours or 120 inservice points
Year 3 - 9 semester hours or 180 inservice points
Year 4 - 12 semester hours or 240 inservice points
Year 5 - 15 semester hours or 300 inservice points
What is the process to add on the ESOL endorsement to my certificate?
Once all five of the required courses are completed and are reflected on your inservice record you must submit your application to the FL DOE with your payment. You are considered out-of-field until it is on your certificate. Note: An endorsement is a rider on a Florida certificate with a full subject coverage and denotes a particular expertise in an instructional level or methodology. An endorsement cannot stand alone on a certificate.
I took ESOL Empowering Teachers prior to July 1, 2011. Will the course be accepted as one of the five courses for the ESOL Endorsement Program?
Yes, HCSD will accept this course if it was taken prior to July 1, 2011. To complete the ESOL Endorsement requirements, you will select four additional courses from this list to complete the Endorsement: ESOL Applied Linguistics, ESOL Cross-Cultural Communications, ESOL Curriculum and Materials, ESOL Methods of Teaching, or ESOL Testing and Evaluation.
Because some of the Reading and ESOL Endorsement Program courses have similar objectives, is it possible for me to receive credit for a Reading Endorsement course because I completed all five ESOL Endorsement Program courses (300 credits)?
No, as of July 1, 2011 you cannot receive credit for a reading endorsement course for completing the ESOL Endorsement courses. The approved route for ESOL endorsed teachers to add the reading endorsement onto their certificate is detailed on the Florida Department of Education web site: http://www.justreadflorida.com/Endorsement/files/Reading_Certification_Brochure.pdf
How can I add my college/university ESOL courses to my records?
College courses do not automatically count towards ESOL. To find out if your class can be accepted in place of any of the five required courses, you need to submit an official transcript for review by filling out the “Transcript Review Request for ESOL Equivalency” form located on the PD website under forms. Submit the form along with official college transcripts and detailed course descriptions for the courses you want reviewed to the PD department.
How do I know what ESOL required training I have already completed with the district?
To review your ESOL course(s), log into your ERO account, click the “my transcript” button and everything for you in our system will show up.
What training is provided by the district?
The district provides online ESOL training to full time teachers in the district. The courses available are offered through Edivate at no cost to the participant. Registration notifications for open courses are put out in district email through the Professional Development Icon.
Can I take training through other providers?
Yes, there are several providers that offer the endorsement courses online. Hernando County does not reimburse teachers for registration fees taken outside of the district. Please contact the PD office to check if the outside providers class is accepted in HCSD before you take the class.
ESOL Banking Rules
To assist teachers in using the credit earned for ESOL courses, the DOE allows “banking” of ESOL points. The “banking rules” changed in 1997, so the number of “bankable points” you have is now determined by the current DOE rules.
If ESOL training is taken under a five-year, professional, renewable certificate:
Points for any ESOL courses taken may be banked if you have enough points for renewal of certificate without using those ESOL points.
You may now bank as many ESOL points as you have that are “excess” and may bank them for more than one renewal period. (Old rules provided that for courses taken prior to July 1, 1997 a maximum 120 points could be banked and they could be used only in the subsequent renewal period.)
As of July 1, 2015, the district no longer reimburses for ESOL classes.
According to the Consent Decree agreement, teachers who have ELL students fall into the following groups, according to the subjects they teach:
Teachers Category 1 – Primary Language Arts Teachers and Reading Teachers
Any teacher instructing one or more ESOL students as the "primary English/Language Arts" teacher is considered a CATEGORY I teacher. CATEGORY I, requires the addition of the Florida State ESOL Endorsement to your valid certificate. The endorsement requirements are as follows:
State ESOL Endorsement – Requirements
*Certification in another subject appropriate to the teaching assignment
*15 semester hours, 300 ESOL in-service points, or a combination of both, with ESOL credit in:
- Methods of Teaching ESOL
- Curriculum and Materials Development
- Cross-Cultural Communication
- Testing and Evaluation
- Applied Linguistics
Eligibility to teach ELLs:
Category 1 teachers who have ELLs and who are taking ESOL requirements on an appropriate timeline maintain district compliance with state law; they are eligible to teach ELLs while they are taking their course work. They are out of field in ESOL until they meet the requirements to be certified in ESOL and apply for the addition to their certificates.
Teachers Category 2 – Social Studies, Math, Science, Computer Skills
Training Requirements:
* Hold certification in a subject appropriate to the teaching assignment
* Complete 60 ESOL in-service points or 3 semester hours of college credit in ESOL
Teachers Category 3 – “Other teachers”
All other subjects not included in Category I & II
(To include Pre-K, Media Specialist, and School Psychologist)
Training Requirements:
* Hold certification in a subject appropriate to the teaching assignment
* Complete 18 ESOL in-service points or 3 semester hours of college credit in ESOL
School-Based Administrators & Guidance Counselors-Category 4
Training Requirements:
* Hold certification appropriate to position
* Complete 60 ESOL in-service points or 3 semester hours of college credit in ESOL
OR obtain a passing score on the ESOL K-12 Subject Area Test without the need for any further training