Determining Your Career
Most High School students are working to determine their career pathway, and the specific courses they need to be successful in a chosen career. Career choices are best made through an evaluation of an individual’s personality, personal preferences and personal gifts and abilities. It is our goal to assist parents and students to determine the appropriate match of a student’s personal attributes with a specific career field.
The majority of students should be able to determine a specific career field, even if they have not determined a specific job. A link is provided below to Florida which is the Florida Department of Education/Workforce Webpage design to assists students with:
Personality Inventory—Determining a student’s preferences for determining a career.
Vocational Choices—Career choices within certain career clusters.
Job Viability—How many positions within a specific field are projected in the future.
Job Earning—Salary expectations for specific careers in specific areas of Florida.
Educational Programs—Education required, and Schools offering training.
High School Studies—Important courses to take in High School to prepare.
Visit to explore career possibilities.
The Armed Services offer one of the best vocational indicators available at no charge. We encourage every student to sign up with their Guidance Department to take the ASVAB—Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery.
Career Academies
Career Academies are smaller schools within a school, focusing on a specific major for vocational readiness. Through the use of cohort classes studying together, academies propel students to greater success, industry certifications, and on to Post-secondary study, if needed for vocational placement.
High School Career Academies were created to guide students toward career readiness at graduation from school. By giving students the goal of completion and career readiness, Academies keep students engaged in a progressive curriculum providing Industry Certifications and job readiness.
Career Pathways
Are you enrolled in a Career or Technical program at your school? Do you want to attend Pasco-Hernando Community College or another college that is a member of the Tampa Bay Career Pathways Consortium. This consortium is a partnership between certain secondary and postsecondary schools from around the Tampa Bay metro area that create pathways between high school, career center, and state college programs. For more information about these schools and potential free college credit, visit the website: or contact your advisor.
Request for Articulated Credit Form
College Credit in High School
Students may earn college and post secondary credit while in High School through a number of ways. It is important that students and parents are aware of these possibilities. Career and Technical Education programs offer other means for earning Post-Secondary credits.