Internal Accounts
- Authorization for Purchase - Internal Accounts SO-Fin-010
- Card Sign-Out General Log
- District 090 Quick Reference Guide
- Fundraising Request Form
- HCSB Internal Account Corrective Action Form
- Internal PO SO-FIN-017
- Log of Student Expenditures
- Monthly Financial Report Checklist
- NSF Information - Returned Check Policy
- Report of Monies Collected SO-Fin-028
- Sample Board Agenda Item to Write Off Checks
- Sign In/Out Register Change Fund
- Teacher Department Receipt Log
- Ticket Inventory Report
Sales Tax
When remitting Sales Tax to Department of Revenue for purchases after January 1st, please make sure to calculate using a rate of 6.5%. Effective January 1, 2016 the state sales and use tax rate for Hernando County is 6.5%, as the .5% School Captial Outlay Surtax has been extended by Special Election. Please keep this in mind when computing future Sales Tax Calculations.
For more information, go to Florida Dept. of Revenue - How to Calculate, Collect, and Report Your Local Discretionary Sales Surtax (third party website).
Due Dates for Filing Paper Returns and Paying Tax by Check
Sales and use tax returns and payments are due on the 1st and late after the 20th day of the month following each reporting period. If the 20th falls on a Saturday, Sunday or state or federal holiday, your return must be postmarked or hand delivered on the first business day following the 20th. You must file a tax return for each collection period, even if you do not owe tax.
Your filing frequency is monthly. Your January return and payment are due_by February-1 and considered late after FebruarY 20.
Your filing frequency is quarterly (January, February, and March). Your first quarterly return and payment are due by April 1 and considered late after April 20.
Your filing frequency is semi-annually (January through June). Your first semi-annual return and payment are due by July 1 and considered late after July 20.
Note: Never miss a due date. You can subscribe to our publications and receive an e-mail reminding you of your return due date.
Note: Only dealers who e-file and e-pay timely may receive a collection allowance, and may choose to donate the allowance to the Educational Enhancement Trust Fund.
Tax Return Filing and Payment Frequencies
How often you must file a tax return and pay tax is based upon the amount of sales and use tax you remit during the previous fiscal year (July 1 through June 30). However, during the first year your business is opened, most new businesses are set up on a quarterly filing frequency (unless another frequency is requested).
Sales and use tax filing frequencies are:
- Monthly: if tax remitted exceeds $1,000 per year, the business must file and pay tax monthly
- Quarterly: if tax remitted does not exceed $1,000 per year, the business may file and pay tax quarterly.
- Semi-annually: if tax remitted does not exceed $500 per year, a business owner may request to file and pay tax twice per year.
- Annually: if tax remitted does not exceed $100 per year, a business owner may request to file and pay once each year.
Avoid Common Filing/Payment Errors
Florida law imposes penalty and interest when a tax return is filed late or the tax due is paid late. Filing errors reporting incorrect information, or failing to pay the correct amount due, may result in penalties/interest being billed to you.
Listed below are the most common filing/payment errors.
- You file your tax return late.
- You file an incomplete return (you do not complete all of the required information on the front and back of your tax return).
- You submit a tax return for the wrong reporting period (personalized tax returns include collection period dates). For example, if you file a tax return that is for the July 1-31 reporting period (due in August) in any month other than August, you will receive a bill.
- You do not provide discretionary sales surtax information on the back of your tax return (lines 15 a-d).
- You do not correctly compute the tax due.
How to Calculate, Collect and Report Your Discretionary Sales Surtax
When and at What Rate to Collect Surtax (Local Option County Tax) on Taxable Sales
Surtax must be collected along with the state sales and use tax and is remitted on the sales and use tax returns
Collection Allowance
E-file/E-pay Only If you electronically file (e-file) your return and electronically pay (e-pay) tax timely, you are entitled to receive a collection allowance. The collection allowance is 2.5% (0.025) of the first $1 ,200 of the Amount Due (Line 10), not to exceed $30.
Only dealers who e-file and e-pay timely may receive a collection allowance, and may choose to donate the allowance to the Educational Enhancement Trust Fund.
Dealers who file their returns or make payments by a method other than electronic means are not entitled to a collection allowance. Filing and paying your tax using the Department's website or using approved software is fast, accurate, and secure. Visit e-Services on our website for additional information on how to e-file and e-pay your taxes electronically.