Registered Walker/Bike Rider Guidelines
Walkers/Bike Riders are defined as children that do not have bus transportation due to the "two-mile non-transport Hernando County School Policy". A student(s) that is defined as a "walker or bike rider" will have their home address verified by the front office and will be issued a "Walker/Bike Rider pass". Student(s) will not be allowed to walk or ride home if they have not been issued a "Walker/Bike Rider Pass" that has been verified.
We understand that many of our students will be walking or riding to and from school and have the following procedures in place.
- At dismissal, walkers will be released at approximately 4:05 p.m.
- Walkers will report to a designated "holding room" based on which gate they are dismissing from (Mariner or Roble) and be checked in.
- A staff member will walk those students with a "Walker/Bike rider pass" to the appropriate gate in a single file line. (Please note: Parents are not able to sit or wait for their walker/bike rider in any other locations on campus.) Parents/Guardians must wait for their student(s) at the appropriate exterior gate entrance.
- Parents/Guardians that are meeting their walker/bike rider should be at the appropriate gate no later than 4:10 p.m.
- Please adhere to the County Statutes regarding parking in these areas, as you may be issued a vehicle citation.
- Mariner Gate may use the Church parking lot located directly across the street from Spring Hill Elementary School.
- Roble Gate may Park in the grass field parking area located off Roble Ave.
- Walkers/Bike riders should walk directly off campus and home using the shoulder of the road or sidewalk when available. Walkers/Bike riders should be responsible and always cross Mariner Blvd where the crossing guards are on duty or when applicable.
- Please remind your child to be cautious when walking home from school.