Media Center

Our goals in the Media Center are:
To support and encourage reading so your student will become a life-long learner, as well as to ensure that your student becomes an effective user of ideas and information.
State-wide media Programs:
Sunshine State Young Reader Award -any student in grades 3-5 who reads at least three of the fifteen titles on the SSYRA list is eligible to vote for their favorite. Votes are tallied state-wide, and a winner is chosen. Any student who reads all fifteen titles is eligible for the Battle of the Books Team.
Sunshine State Young Reader Award JR-any student in grades KG-3 who reads at least three of the fifteen titles on the SSYRA list is eligible to vote for their favorite. Votes are tallied state-wide, and a winner is chosen. Any student who reads all fifteen titles is eligible for the Battle of the Books Team.
Florida Reading Association book program-after hearing all eight of this year's Florida Reading Association titles, students in KG-2 participate in voting for their favorite FRA book. Votes are tallied state-wide, and a winner is chosen.
Accelerated Reader program- Students read Accelerated Reader books, take AR quizzes, and are rewarded with reading points. The AR level and quiz availability for any book can be found at Parents can view student’s progress at
Celebrate Literacy Week Florida- Students participate in reading promotion programs throughout the week to encourage and reward students’ reading and achievements.
Jumpstart’s Read for the Record- Students participate in the program to encourage reading and participation helps to donate books toward early childhood education.
Summer reading program- Students keep a reading log over the summer and accelerated reader quizzing is available in the school’s front office M-T Summer reading is rewarded in the fall.
Pizza Hut Book it- Students receive certificates from Pizza Hut for meeting a reading goal.
Media Center Promotion
In-School reading promotion- Book fairs, Dr. Seuss Read Across America, monthly displays of book themes (ex. Black history, Women’s history, National Library week), Get Caught reading, Author visits, Accelerated Reading store for reading points
Collection is updated with high-interest area books for students
To create an environment that supports reading, knowledge, and open access to materials
Our student hours are 8:35 AM-3:05 PM daily, and our library maintains an open schedule to allow for anytime access and continuous learning for all students. Students must have teacher permission and a pass to visit the library. While school is in session, the Media Center stays open after school until 6pm on Tuesday nights. Students can access the internet, use digital tools for creating student projects, search for books, or take Accelerated Reader quizzes on one of the fifteen computers located in the Media Center. Over 10,000 books and a variety of magazines are available for check out on a two-week loan period.
Circulation Policy
Library materials are checked out to students for two-weeks.
Grades K-1 may check out 1 book at a time.
Grades 2-5 may check out 2 books at a time.
There are no fines for late materials, but a student may not check out additional materials until the overdue item is returned or renewed.
Lost or damaged materials must be paid for before a student may check out additional materials. Remember, the school may only accept cash for the replacement cost of the damaged item.
To support the school curriculum and technology integration through materials and lessons
Create lessons following Language Arts Florida Standards (LAFS), AASL Standards for 21st Century Learning, and NETS-S standards
Collection contains professional materials, AV, fiction, non-fiction, magazines and easy read books that support instruction
Online access through Edline media page to book catalog and AR quiz lists.
Panther Paw News Show- 5th grade students participate in creating a daily news program.
To communicate with families about the media center policies and programs
Media Family Nights
Edline media page with access to policies and calendar
Special event flyers