Tardy Policy

Please Note: All Tardies received are cumulative for all class periods for each semester.

Tardies reset back to “0” at the beginning of Semester II.

A Discipline Referral and a consequence will be received for each tardy received after the Third (3rd Tardy).

1st Tardy – 2nd Tardy   Teacher Warning & Tardy Recorded

3rd Tardy   Administrative Warning (AW), Administrative Conference (AC)

4th Tardy – 5th Tardy   After School Detention for each Tardy Received (Monday - Thursday from 2:15 – 3:15 pm in Room 6-011) & Administrative Conference

6th Tardy – 10th Tardy  1 Day of In-School Suspension for each additional Tardy received, Administrative Conference (AC) & Telephone Call Home (TCH)

11th Tardy  1 Day of In-School Suspension for each Tardy received, Administrative Conference (AC), Telephone Call Home (TCH) & Guidance Referral (GR) - Grade Level Guidance Counselor will Complete Attendance Contract for Excessive Tardies with Student and Parent/Guardian

12th Tardy–16th Tardy  1 Day of In-School Suspension for each Tardy received, Administrative Conference (AC) & Telephone Call Home (TCH)

17th Tardy – 19th Tardy 1 Day of Out-of-School Suspension for each Tardy received, Administrative Conference (AC) & Parent Conference (PC). Potential Loss of Campus Driving/Parking Privileges. Parking Permit Will Be Revoked on Tardy #17.

20th Tardy or More –  1 Day of Out-of-School Suspension for each Tardy received, Administrative Conference (AC), and Parent Conference (PC). 

Example #1:     3 Tardies are received on the same day.
1st Period (1 Tardy), 2nd Period (1 Tardy) and 3rd Period (1 Tardy) = 3 Tardies

Example #2:  If a Discipline Referral was processed for Tardy #3 and the student has received three (3) additional tardies since the last Tardy Discipline Referral was processed, the student will receive consequences for Tardy #4,Tardy #5 and Tardy #6 simultaneously (combined).