Uniform Policy
- School uniforms are mandatory for all students in grades Kindergarten through 5th Grade
- Solid color polo shirts with or without the school logo (no large logos, emblems, zippers or laces on shirts)
- Solid color buttoned down on collared shirts with or without the school logo
- So Ii d col or sweaters with or without a zip per; an approved top MUST be worn underneath
- Shirts with long or short sleeves are allowed
- Black/Navy/Tan shorts, skirts, pants and jumpers allowed
- NO sweatpants, jeans, leggings or spandex type bottoms (in cooler weather SOLID leggings/tights may be worn with a skirt)
- NO open toe shoes (sandals, flip-flops), heels or platform shoes (without proper shoes students will not be able to participate in PE or outdoor recess)
- NO hats or sunglasses (unless part of spirit day/week)
- Outerwear winter jackets may be any color but worn outdoors only {sweaters may be worn in class)
- Please note: on days of very low temperatures, Administration will post on our Facebook page the evening before or by 6:00 a.m. advising that students may dress warmly. Otherwise, students are to adhere to the above policy. At all times, the District's dress code policy must be followed. This can be found at www.hernandoschools.org