The Springstead High School Chapter of the National Honor Society
John Imhof- NHS Advisor
(352) 797-7010 ext.239
NHS Membership 2024-2025
NHS Leadership 2024-2025 (Pictured left to right: Jenny Zhuo (Liaioson), Hannah Baur (Sec), Ariana Santana (VP), Lauren Dye (P)
NHS members organizing a Back-to-School teacher supply drive, September 2024
NHS leadership at Posability's Trunk or Treat Event, October 2024
NHS Secretary Hannah Baur (left), NHS Vice President Ariana Santana (Right)
NHS members preparing for the Claw Skit during Homecoming week, October 2024
2024 NHS Leadership (pictured left to right): Hannah Baur (Secretary), Lauren Dye (President), Mr. Imhof, Ariana Santana (VP), Jenny Zhuo (Club Liaison)
Fall 2024 NHS Induction Candidates
Overview: The Springstead Chapter of the National Honor Society is comprised of students (grades 11 & 12) who embody the 4 tenents of the National Honor Society- Scholarship, Leadership, Service, and Character. This highly selective body encourages members to pursue all 4 tenets as a lifelong endeavor. As such, selected members of the Springstead Chapter are expected to demonstrate the 4 pillars through their efforts at Springstead High School- namely through modeling positive behavior, providing peer academic support, and encouraging student activity in the community.
Eligibility: Students (grades 11 & 12) who have an weighted GPA of 3.85 or higher, will be extended application to the Springstead Chapter of the National Honor Society. Eligible juniors may apply for both Fall and Spring induction, and eligible seniors for Fall induction only. Applications will be hand delivered, or mailed to the residence of qualifying students.
Application: Qualifying students will be invited to apply to the Springstead Chapter of the National Honor Society by completing the application link below. A 5 person Faculty Council will review all student applications, and vote to determine applicant admission to the Springstead Chapter. Applicants will be notified of their admission status by a letter prepared by the NHS Advisor within 4 weeks of the application deadline. Applicants who are accepted to the Springstead Chapter will be invited to participate in an induction ceremony (date and place to be identified in the acceptance letter). Applicants who are denied admission to the Springstead Chapter will be provided Faculty Council reasoning in the denial letter. These applicants will have the opportunity to speak to any of the 5 members of the council, so that application deficiencies can be addressed for future application.
Chapter Requirements and Expectations: The Springstead Chapter of the National Honor Society expects members to uphold the 4 tenents at all times. Further information regarding specific expectations can be found in the link below.
Springstead Chapter of the National Honor Society- Chapter Requirements
Application Link (ONLY for students who have been extended application to apply)