
Students may make up failed course work required for graduation on a platform called Edgenuity. Students can quickly recover failed credits and boost their GPA using Edgenuity. On average, a motivated student may complete a single quarter of work in 14 days. Some finish as quickly as in 3 days (if they work ALL day). 

Students can work on Edgenuity at school and home. Edgenuity offers the flexibility of only retaking specific quarters to recover a credit rather than retaking the entire course on Eschool. Students may work even faster on Edgenuity by passing the pre-tests. If a student demonstrates mastery of the material on a pretest, they can "skip" that content opposed to an online class where all content must be completed.

NOTICE: Edgenuity courses are "credit recovery courses". Students and parents must be aware of the following:

  • credits recovered through Edgenuity credit recovery are NOT accepted by NCAA (applies to high school athletes).
  • credits recovered through Edgenuity credit recovery are NOT accepted for university admissions.
  • credits recovered through Edgenuity credit recovery are NOT applicable to the Bright Futures Scholarship requirements.
  • credit recovery credits earned through Edgenuity are soley intended to provide a student the opportunity to recover failed coursework and/or recover their GPA for the purpose of earning a high school diploma. It is only ideal for students going directly into the workforce, military, vocational or trade school or state college after high school.
  • students who hope to attend earn an NCAA scholarship (high school athletes), attend a university or work towards a Bright Futures scholarship, must retake the failed course on Hernando Eschool or FLVS Flex. 

Students should log into Edgenuity by logging into their ClassLink. Once in ClassLink, click on the Edgenuity tile.

Students may be able to log into Edgenuity on the web-based login screen as well (not all students can).

Web Based Login- Defualt username: firstname.lastname@hernandoschools.org
Web Based Login- Default Password: Student ID number

After School Edgenuity Lab-Daily Sign in sheet

Edgenuity Family Portal

The Family Portal is a site which allows parents access to current information about their student’s progress and performance. Parents will be able to see a range of information such as how much time the student has spent working on their courses, what their grades are, and if they are on track to finish their courses on time.

Parents must provide an email address to receive weekly progress reports and gain access to the Portal. Parents may email their child's school counselor to recieve weekly or daily automated progress updates. Please include in your request, your name, your email, student's complete name and the student's ID/Lunch number and that you are requesting weekly or daily Edgenuity progress updates.

An access code will be provided to you by the school upon request. 

Instructions for Access:

  • Visit the URL: https://auth.edgenuity.com/Login/Login/Family
  • Click “Activate Account”
  • Enter Your Email Address and Access Code

Edgenuity Learning Syllabus

  • Materials Required: (may supplied by school if you ask your guidance counselor)
  • Notebook or folder to keep notes
  • Pen or pencil
  • Headphones (personal headphones are recommended)

Grading Procedures:

Student’s grades for classes they are working on are generated by Edgenuity. Courses are broken down into nine weeks/quarter intervals.  The grade for each quarter will be utilized to calculate a new grade for the course the student is retaking. Edgenuity grades will be reflected on student transcripts. 

Student Progress:

Students should conference with their teacher Edgenuity lab managers on a regular basis to discuss their progress, current grades, and quality of notes. They may use their notes on quizzes and tests.  A target date and an end date will be entered for the course depending on when the class is started. For students beginning a new course the start date will be the first day of their class and the target date to complete will be 2-4 weeks from the date of activation depending on the course.  Students who are not meeting the required progress are expected to complete additional work at home or attend after-school tutoring in the Edgenuity lab.

After School Edgenuity:

Students are able to log in to Edgenuity outside of school. Students can complete from home the Edgenuity lessons, quizzes, test reviews and cummulative exam reviews, but will not be able to access tests or cumulative exams from home. Tests and cummulative exams must be completed on campus. Tutoring will be offered after school on Tuesdays and Wednesday until 2:45 PM and parents are responsible to pick up their student or the student must leave campus if they are a walker.

Edgenuity Lab  Expectations:

  • Be on time to your Edgenuity lab and work bell to bell, asking teacher for assistance as needed.
  • Respectful communication to teacher and peers are expected at all times – do not disturb others while they are working, use appropriate language, and raise your hand to ask for assistance. There should be no texting, streaming videos, playing music, of playing games on your phone or computer.
  • Sit at assigned work station and assume responsibility for materials and technology – you are not to change any settings, unplug any cords, or move laptops in the labs.
  • Focus and be on task in Edgenuity- no search engines, or any other websites besides what is necessary for the course.
  • Be engaged continuously by viewing and listening to online instruction, completing all activities and taking notes.
  • Present notes to teachers when requested – note reviews will often take place before assessments are unlocked or reset. If notes are insufficient, the teacher reserves the right to have you return to or re-do previous assignments. Student's notes can help students be successful on tests.
  • Track your progress and meet weekly goals set forth by the online program and classroom teacher.
  • Remember to save and exit before you log off. Workstation should be left in same condition as you found it.

Consequences for Inappropriate Use of Internet

  • 1st Offense: Phone call home, written referral, and placement in ISS.
  • 2nd offense: Written referral and 2 days OSS as outlined in the Student Code of Conduct.

Academic Integrity:

A full commitment to Academic Integrity is expected from every student and parent. Plagiarism is copying or using ideas or words (from another person, an online classmate, or an Internet or print source) and presenting them as your own. When referencing information in your writing, be sure to cite your sources properly. The work completed on each online assignment must be your own entirely, and you will not allow others to copy your work. Do not share your log-in information with others. Consequences for violating academic integrity include but are not limited to: parent contact, written referrals, resetting student work, and automatic zeroes.