Welcome to Challenger's Media Center

" I am the library"
I am neither walls nor shelves,
nor even the books that stand in rows
I am the wisdom of the universe,
captured and arranged for you
I am an open door
Enter . . .
Welcome to another year at Challenger K8... Here is some of the information that you will need regarding our Library information Center here at Challenger K8.
Who may borrow materials from the library?
- Students, faculty and parents may all check out library materials.
- Kindergartners may check out one book at a time.
- Students in Grades 1-5 may check out up to two books at a time.
- Parents may borrow up to 10 books at a time books at a time.
- Teachers/Staff members may check out a maximum of fifty books.
When may students check out materials from the library?
- The CK8 Media Center is open from 9:30 am until 3:45 pm every day. Students can check out at anytime during open hours.
What materials may students borrow from the library?
- Elementary students may check out books from the Fiction, Nonfiction, and Easy sections of the library. 5th Grade students can get a permission letter (to be signed by their parents) so that they may read books from the Young Adult section of the library. Middle School students may check out from the Young Adult section as well as the Fiction, Nonfiction and Easy sections of the Library. Eighth grade students can get a permission letter (to be signed by their parents) so that they may read books from the High School section of the Library.
What is the due date for books?
- Books may be kept for two weeks at a time.. If a book is needed for a longer time, the item needs to be brought to the library for renewal. If books are kept beyond the due date, an overdue notice will be sent.
- There is a fine for overdue books. The charge is $.10 per day that a book is out overdue. Overdue items must be returned and fines paid for before other items may be checked out.
- If you have questions about an overdue notice, please contact the librarian-Mrs. Hill. Occasionally, the book does not cancel correctly on the computer and may actually be on the shelf. Sometimes, parents may send a book back to the school with a child, but it does not make it to the library. Either way, please let us know and we'll do our best to locate it.
Book Care Rules - Students are responsible for the materials checked out to them. During library class time, students learn important rules that will help them take care of books.
- Turn the pages carefully from the edges to keep them from tearing.
- If a book is damaged, return it to the library for mending. NEVER try to mend it at home.
- Keep liquids and food away from books.
- Always handle books with clean hands.
- Keep books in a safe place at home away from pets and small children.
- Keep books clean and dry by carrying them in a waterproof backpack or ziplock bag.
- Keep pencils, crayons, and markers away from books. Never scribble or write in books.
- Use a bookmark to mark your stopping point in a book. Do not turn pages down.
- Leave labels and stickers on the book. This is how books are identified and located in the library.
What happens if a book is damaged or lost?
If a book is damaged, parents are responsible for the cost of the book. Parents must pay the purchase cost of the book. The District purchases books with special library binding that is often higher than store value. Purchasing a book outside of the District to offer as a replacement is not permitted. A cash payment is required to cover the cost of a damaged or lost book. Please remind students to properly care for all books borrowed from the library.
Make every attempt to locate lost books. If you are unable to find the item, you will be billed for the replacement cost. If you find your book within the school year, you may return it to the library and request a refund.
A Book Speaks
When you drop me on the floor
I get stepped on - my sides are sore;
Torn-out pages make me groan;
I feel dizzy if I'm thrown;
Every mark and every stain
On my covers gives me pain;
Please don't bend me, if you do
I don't want to talk to you;
But we will both be friends together,
If you protect me from the weather
And keep me clean so that I look
Like a tidy, neat and happy book.
~ Author Unknown ~
What Reading Programs are offered here at Challenger K8?
3rd-5th Grade - Afterschool Sunshine State Young Reader's Award Program
This program will be offered afterschool for any 3rd through 5th grade students who are recommended by their teacher to read the Sunshine State Young Reader Award Books. (SSYRA)!! The afterschool Reading Program will begin right after Labor Day.
6th-8th Grade - Book Club
This program will be offered before school for any 6th through 8th grade students who are interested in reading books!! Students will read and discuss books they are interested in. Applications for this program can be found in the Media Center during Open House and also in the Media Center to be picked up by parents and students throughout the first two weeks of school. The before school Reading Program will begin right after Labor Day.
I hope that you and your students have a GREAT YEAR here at Challenger K8!!!