Attendance Policy
Based on the number of unexcused absences, students must maintain a 90% attendance rate in all class periods throughout the school year in order to maintain privileges to include but not limited to:
• Parking
• Homecoming
• Grad Night
• Prom
• Field Trips (Teacher must provide an alternate assignment)
• Athletic Participation
• Extra-Curricular Events
1. Tardies - Punctuality is necessary for a student to take full advantage of available educational opportunities. If a student is not in the classroom when the tardy bell rings, he/she will be classified as tardy. A tardy to school will become an absence if more that 50% of the school day is missed. A parent(s)/guardian(s) request for early release will be an unexcused absence unless the release is for verified medical, dental treatment or other reasons defined for excused absence by the School Board.
2. Unexcused Absences - Parent(s)/guardian(s) can excuse up to five (5) days per semester (half a year) by providing a written and signed note(s) with reason of absence within three (3) days of the student's return to class. This shall also include prearranged absences. Extenuating circumstances may be addressed with the administration. The following absences are excused
It is 2, two days per board policy.