WHMS Title I Information
Title I, Part A
What is the purpose of Title I, Part A?
Title I, Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), reauthorized as the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act of 2001, has the primary purpose, “to ensure all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach, at a minimum, proficiency on challenging state academic achievement standards and state academic assessments.” To help ensure student success, Local Educational Agencies (LEAs/Districts) and schools must design, implement and evaluate Title I, Part A programs that (Section 1001, PL 107-110):
- Use high-quality academic assessments, curricula, and instructional materials that are aligned with State Standards;
- Meet the educational needs of low-achieving children in high-poverty schools, limited English proficient children, migratory children, children with disabilities, Indian children, neglected or delinquent children, and young children in need of reading assistance;
- Close the achievement gap between high and low-performing children, especially the achievement gaps between minority and nonminority students and between disadvantaged children and their more advantaged peers;
- Improve the academic achievement of all students and identify and turn around low-performing schools;
- Distribute and target resources sufficiently to make a difference where needs are greatest;
- Improve and strengthen accountability, teaching, and learning by using state assessments to ensure students are meeting the State Standards and increasing achievement overall, but especially for the disadvantaged;
- Provide greater decision-making authority and flexibility to schools and teachers in exchange for greater responsibility for student performance;
- Provide children an enriched and accelerated educational program, including the use of schoolwide programs or additional services that increase the amount and quality of instructional time;
- Promote schoolwide reform and ensure children have access to effective, scientifically based instructional strategies and challenging academic content;
- Provide staff in participating schools with substantial opportunities for professional development;
- Coordinate services with other educational services, and, to the extent feasible, with other agencies providing services to youth, children, and families; and
- Afford families substantial and meaningful opportunities to participate in the education of their children.
WHMS Title I Documents 2023-24
WHMS Title I School-Parent Compact for Achievement 2023-24
WHMS Title I Parent and Family Engagement Plan Summary 2023-24